Well designed stock labels improve retail display appearance

How your stock appears on the shelf is important not just visually, but it also affects your customers’ psychological response to it. If your stock and its presentation looks appealing, colourful and thoughtfully presented, customers will be more likely to purchase. This attention to presentation even applies to what may seem minor considerations, for example stock labels or lighting.
Applying a ‘look’ to your displays
You may choose to have different displays throughout your store, although a unified theme can help to make the most of your merchandise. Not every display needs to be identical, but deciding on a common theme will give your store an overall sense of compatibility. Consistency with your stock labels on all products will increase this sense of unity.
Another thing to remember is to make sure your displays are appropriately lit, avoiding fluorescent lighting which can leave stock looking lifeless and unappealing. Test different lighting and bulbs until you find the right combination to show your stock in its best light!
Change things up
Your stock may not be new, but that doesn’t stop you from regularly presenting it in a fresh new way! Regularly try to think of new ways to change up your display to keep customers engaged. Sometimes simply moving a certain product to a new area and presenting it slightly differently will encourage your customers to pay more attention to it and increase its selling potential.
Social platform Pinterest is an excellent resource when it comes to all elements of design. Search for retail display ideas and pin the looks you like so you have a back catalogue of ideas ready to go.
Interesting window displays
We’re always told not to judge a book by its cover, but we’re all guilty of judging a store by its window display. That’s why it’s important to make sure your window display is interesting, eye-catching and appealing enough to draw customers into your store.
Like your interior displays, window displays should be regularly updated, showing off your biggest sellers and new products. Piquing a passerby’s interest is no mean feat, but if you can manage it then you could be on track to see sales go through the roof.
Here at Hague we have more than 30 years’ experience designing a comprehensive range of A4 laser sheets, computer and roll labels from stock. Get in touch to arrange a free consultation with our expert team.