Still the trusted medium: Why print remains the secure choice

Over the last decade, we’ve been shown that digital media provides many advantages that can help drive our businesses forward.
We’ve learned that digital can help expand our reach, reduce business overheads and help streamline many aspects of running a business.
However, there’s no denying that digital does come with its downsides. It’s certainly perceived to be less secure than print and therefore less credible so it’s easy to see why so much value remains in print.
Evidence suggests consumers still consider print media to be more trustworthy – primarily informed by digital phenomena’s including ‘fake news’ and data harvesting. We’re all now on high alert when receiving digital comms and so almost instantaneously ask ourselves ‘qualifying’ questions such as ‘How do I know this is from who it claims to be from?’. Consumers tell us they often feel more confident having a physical copy in their hands, whether it’s a travel or leisure ticket, a labelled item with brand-protecting authenticity hologram or a form of personal identification – just some of the specialist printed solutions that Hague provide on a global scale.
At a glance: Here’s the 3 main reasons print consistently engenders confidence in consumers. . .
1.It’s more trusted
Misinformation have unfortunately become a prevalent part of the online experience today. Anyone can publish anything online without any form of censorship or fact-checking.
2.It connects more effectively with your audience
According to a study published by Temple University researchers, print media also connects better with your potential customers or audience.
The MRI scans used in the study showed that print increased key metrics such as review time, engagement, memory and even willingness to buy.
3. It provides a more sensory experience
Print provides a more rounded, sensory, tactile and reassuring experience than digital. Whether your audience is holding a brand marketing asset or a printed communication – they’re much more likely to form a trust connection and engage on an emotive level.
When it comes to making deep, authentic connection in the real world, Hague are trusted by some of the world’s biggest brands. We help them use print to build trust with innovative and sustainable solutions for every touch point. To find out more email