Use custom holograms to create great packaging

You probably already know that packaging is almost as important as the product itself (some might argue more than!). In fact, for many product designers they consider it more than both marketing and an art form — they also see great packaging design as a science! And custom holograms are just one of the ingredients that transition good packaging to great packaging.
Aside from the obvious purposes of packaging, which include safe distribution and storage of a product, packaging has one very important role. It’s what makes your product stand out on the shelf and ultimately inspires consumers to make the purchase. Great packaging design is persuasive — it lets a consumer know why it is this product particularly that they should buy, instead of a competitor’s.
That’s because it doesn’t just keep the product safe from the outside, it communicates to the consumer what the item is like and why they should buy it. This needs to be done quickly, as most consumers only glance at a product on the shelf, often making a snap decision about whether or not they should pay it more attention.
To design great packaging that makes a consumer stop and think, you should carefully consider the following:
Make sure your packaging is clear and conveys the essential information
The best way to inspire consumers to purchase a product is by conveying a message to them on the packaging that they don’t need to read or examine carefully. Consumers spend around 4 seconds or less looking at a product on a shelf, so yours needs to immediately tell a story and make the product appealing.
Design packaging that is relevant and appropriate
When you design packaging for your products it’s paramount that each element accurately represents the product within. From the font, colour palette, and imagery, each should be appropriate and not misleading. If a consumer knows your product is one thing but the image given by the packaging is something different, they will get confused and may buy a different product that seems more relevant to their needs.
Think about the impact your product has on the shelf
When designing packaging that really stands out you need to think carefully about what it will actually look like on the shelf. Custom holograms are one way to give a feeling of high quality and authenticity — they also protect your products against fraudsters as they are incredibly difficult to recreate as well as being tamper evident. But most of all, they look impressive and give your product that extra something that really helps it to stand out against other products on the shelf.
Do you want to speak to an expert about designing custom holograms to go on the packaging for your products? Get in touch and a member of our experienced team will be in touch to talk you through the holographic printing services we can offer.