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Print and Apply Label Automation

Print and Apply Label Automation

Is labelling taking up too much time in your Lab?

Introducing print and apply label automation solutions into your laboratory will help you to minimise labour time previously needed to manually label samples as well as reduce wastage and the need for re-testing.

The CAB Axon print and apply systems have been designed specifically for consistent and careful labelling of microtubes, tubes and vials, with various common shapes and cap types in mind.

With 25+ years of experience, our experts understand that nowhere does the consistency and durability of product matter more than with laboratory labels.

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Key benefits

A Quick Look at the Products We Offer


The Cab Axon 1 and Cab Axon 2 print and apply systems have been designed specifically for consistent and careful labelling of microtubes, tubes and vials, with various common shapes and cap types in mind.

Operated by a full-colour touch sensitive control display, Axon can be integrated into a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) or operated without a PC if required (via the use of a keyboard or scanner).

Software for these systems can also be supplied if required.

Blank Labels

We supply a full range of plain labels for every laboratory process and application.

Available in an array of materials, our self-adhesives are exceptionally durable and are resistant to even the harshest of environments.

Our labels will remain resistant against:

  • Extreme temperatures
  • Cleaning agents
  • Humidity and moisture
  • Repeated handling
  • Majority of testing chemicals

Enquire about our blank labels today to receive a test sample for your laboratory.



Thermal Ribbons

Wax / Wax-resin / Resin

Our comprehensive thermal ribbon range includes:

  • Competitive ribbons to cover the most price sensitive applications
  • Standard ribbons that offer the widest scope of performances
  • High-performance specialty products for the most stringent requirements
Security Features

To protect your laboratory samples and assets, we offer a wide variety of security features including VOID stickers and other tamper-evident labels.

Our secure range of solutions can be used to permanently mark items to easily identify if samples have been tampered with.

Get in touch to find an effective application for your laboratory.


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